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Reading Meme #3

For me there’s nothing like kicking back with a book, a mug of coffee or a glass of something and escaping to another world or place. Not only are you escaping to another universe, you’re also expanding your own.

a book can be a star

I personally feel that reading is the best educator and something all kids should be taught properly from a very early age. Here in the UK, I don’t think enough importance is placed on reading and writing in early years education – please don’t comment or email me to tell me I am wrong and this is not my having a pop at Teachers because I feel they all do their best work with what they have.

I know and agree children should be allowed to learn through play in reception, however once they reach Year 1 they should be taught reading and writing for longer than they are. I have personal experience of eleven year old children going up to secondary education unable to read or even write well enough to follow what is happening in a lesson. They aren’t able to retain what is being said for long enough to make notes, or they’re unable to follow simple instructions during classes. This is a shame and it’s largely due to restricted budgets. I think it’s time education budgets were majorly increased to allow for much smaller classes at the earliest education levels, in fact the whole Primary level. I better climb off my soapbox now before I receive throngs of emails, comments and the like. NN 🙂